Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where our fight began...

Dusty has been living with acid reflux since he was 13.  He has taken everything over and behind the counter to help with heartburn and acid reflux.  It has gotten worse over the years but medicine has gotten better and he has maintained it pretty well.  In November he was job shadowing a cardiologist and told him of his chest pains.  Dusty would wake up about once and week and say he felt like he was having a heart attack.  He had the stress test and EKG done at the Cardio Center and everything was fine.  The PA, Steve, told Dusty he thought he should have an endoscopy done.  Our primary doctor, Dr. Singhal, also requested Dusty get the endoscopy done.  But, Dusty and I wanted to wait until January to start working towards our insurance deductible for 2012.  Well, 2012 rolled around and life is busy.  Dusty has a lot going on with it being his last semester of college and we are busy with the boys and I with work.  We kept putting it off.  Damn us!  In March Dusty had gained about 25 lbs in a few weeks and had a mass on his side so we went to see Dr. Singhal.  She ordered a CT scan.  It came back that his gallbladder was only operating at 2% and needed to be removed.  She sent us to Doctors Hospital and we had it removed on March 23.  Dusty did fine with the surgery but the pain was still there.  He had a lot of pain that came on quickly after the gallbladder surgery.  On Monday he called Dr. Singhal and told her of the pain.  She immediately got us in to see Dr. Lal for an endoscopy.  And here it starts...


  1. I meant to say March 16, for his gallbladder removal.

  2. Stacey and Dusty we know this will not beat you. You both are strong. Myself, Laura, and Justin are here for you. We think the world of you both. If you need anything let us know.

    Toni Birmingham
