Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Here, you talk!

Dr. Lal does not work on Mondays so we had to endure another painful day of no appetite and upset stomachs.  Xanax helped!  Work continued and I stayed busy.  My best friend Elaine was my rock.  She could see it in me that I was dying but she knew I needed to stay busy and not talk about it.  So we laughed and did our stupid things at work.  I had to deliver many lockboxes for houses that we rented so that kept me out of the office.  On Tuesday, Dusty and I knew that Dr Lal would be back in the office and should have the biopsy results back.  We said we wouldn't call and wait for him to call us.  I secretly called at 11:30 and left a message hoping he would get it at lunch and call back.  Little did I know, Dusty did the same!  We didn't get a call.  Aunt Donna and I went out to deliver lockboxes to houses.  We were on West Lake Drive and my phone rang, it was Dr. Lal.  I put it on speaker phone because I needed Aunt Donna to help me interpret everything I was about to hear.  If good news I would have all ears in; if bad news, I knew I was going to go away in my mind.  Dr. Lal said it did come back positive for cancer.  I felt like my eyes were having a seizure, they were just rocking back and forth trying to keep up with the thoughts that were running through my brain.  We asked many questions, of which I can't remember.  I started to feel sick so I floored it to my parent's house up the street.  I threw the phone to Aunt Donna, "Here, you talk!" and ran inside to get sick, very sick!  Dr. Lal asked a question and Aunt Donna said I had stepped away for a second and he said, "to go to the bathroom?"  I guess that is a common response to hearing the worse news of your life.  I came back and asked if he had talked to Dusty?  He said he couldn't reach him.  I told him to keep trying.  I didn't want to be the one to face Dusty and tell him he has esophageal cancer.

I knew Dusty was in West Lake delivering beds so I quickly took a route out of the neighborhood that he wouldn't be on.  I didn't want to face him in the condition I was in or without any answers.  Dr. Lal told me things but I couldn't tell you what they were if my life depended on it.

I went to my office and waited for Dusty.  The rest of this day is private.

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